Success from franchising system of business can be possible only when the proposed product is unique and of the sufficient demand at the market. It is exactly what we can guarantee to you. Besides, our franchising will not require from you:
Big investments;
Searching of high-qualified and expensive specialists.
We invite everybody, who is interested in franchising, to mutually profitable cooperation. The ready business of Acmelight company will provide a worthy income and recoup your investments.
Absolutely new product;
Low investments high-profitable project with a quick start;
Quick return on investment;
The absence of lump-sum fee, royalty, marketing and advertising expenses;
Shipment of branded products directly from the Producer on low dealer prices;
The absence of competitors;
Popularity and the wide range of products application;
The possibility to open your own business in Europe, USA, Canada, UK, Asia and etc.
Franchise from Acmelight company is the most simple and profitable scheme of cooperation between franchisor and franchisee. Starting from 2006 our company has opened a lot of successful representative departments all around the world.
Terms for starting:
The opening capital - 5000 euros in your City only;
The building with a square 30-50 m2, placed in areas with a big flow of Customers (preferably in the retail and entertainment centers);
Staff - 2 sales managers.
Franchise from Acmelight is:
The absence of competition: you will be the only one Dealer in your region;
Comprehensive consulting, information and practical support;
Improved system of merchandising;
The possibility to get a commodity credit;
Provision of free bonus promotional materials;
Practical support in expanding of the customer base: consumers in your region will be served only in your location.
And also - Store!

Open high- profitable business with AcmeLight!