Safety systems

Forms resistant to abrasion, water, and brine Floor, glowing in the dark. The appearance of the paint film - rough, uniform, matte surface. Hiding power of the film, g / m2 - not more than 187.5. Drying time at 18-22 ° C, 3 rd degree, a wet film thickness of 100-150 microns, at most, 25 minutes. Mass fraction of solids,%, not less than 71.5. Film resistance to static action of water at the temperature of 18-22 ° C, h, not less than 72. Resistance to static effects of the 3% NaCl solution at a temperature of 18-22 ° C, h, not less than 72. Density at 18-22 ° C, g / cm 3, not less than 1.49. Flow (covering 600-700 microns wet), g / m 2 - 500-700. Wear coefficient - 0.62.

Product description:
The format of evacuation plans: A3 and A4 Schemes with internal corridor circuits, staircases, rooms in buildings where people live and work. Schemes the contain symbols, which indicate the safest evacuation ways and emergency exits. Also, evacuation routes mean nominal symbols, designating the nearest location to the fire-fighting equipment, means of ambulance, phones, respirators, inhalers, etc.

Glow in the dark helmet is a headwear that helps to guard against an unforeseen fall of any objects on the head in industrial places, while it has a property of glowing in the dark. Under the conditions of work in mines, and similar kinds of occupations- it is an irreplaceable security element, which will enable to find you anywhere at the darkness.

Glow in the dark jacket with the special finishing, which cannot be unnoticed at a distance of a few meters. This is not a someone's empty whim, but a vital need, proved by various everyday situations. First and foremost, such special uniform is required for people whose profession compels them to perform the job duties in the

Glowing tape or how it is called by technologies – photoluminescent fabric according to TU U .17.5-22552900-006:2008.

Product description:
Glowing paint is supplied in metal cans of 1 and 0.5 l

The film, which glows in the darkness, turning the absorbed energy of daylight or lamps into a bright glowing. Acmelight Company presents the newest, of the highest demand, the most exclusive product in the market of Russia and the European market. It is a luminous film!