Obviously, in case of fire, the main task of people is a rapid and immediate evacuation. However, in case of panic that often accompanies fires, it is very difficult to find the shortest and safest way to safefy. It is also enhanced by the fact, that the fire is often accompanied by the disconnection of the light. In such circumstances, to find the right way is even more difficult.
Fire! Dense smoke. No light. Panic. We must escape! But where?!
Most of inscriptions "Exit" are located above the door. In case of fire, the smoke rises to the ceiling, condenses, and in such circumstances it is impossible to see the inscription. They are recognizable only in those places where there is no smoke. The second important point is that according to studies, in case of panic and limited visibility people look more often down than up. Taking these facts into consideration, it seems reasonable to equip premises with additional glow in the dark marking, which will help to find the exit quickly in case of fire. Glow in the dark substances that have an ability to accumulate the light energy during the lighting and emit light in the darkness are ideal solutions of this problem, because they do not require an additional power supply system. Buildings equipped with such Glow in the dark safety system can considerably increase the speed of human evacuation. We should not forget that in an emergency, each second is important.
It can be done with electric signs, the power supply to which is connected from an independent source, located in the building. Inscriptions and markings of this auxiliary system must be located on the floor or on walls - at a height not exceeding 1 m above the floor level. The concentration of smoke near the floor is much less possible than in the area of ceiling. Moreover, such systems correspond more to the point of peoples views, who are trying to find a way out of a dangerous area. The independence of power supply is also an important factor, since it allows us to hope that the signs will be lit even when the main power system will be off.
The evacuation speed of people
In case of fire, all people on a sea ship, drilling platform, in a building or a tunnel should quickly leave the dangerous zone. Speed of evacuation is the determining factor for reducing the number of victims. Loss of time during the evacuation happens more often because of panic or because of the lack of clearly marked evacuation routes. The level of panic is largely determined by factors that are difficult to eliminate in advance. Placement and marking layout, in contrast, are those things that can be planned and optimized in advance
Here are two of the brightest examples.

All elevators, to which the inscription "Exit" leads more often, equipped with an indication of non-use in case of the fire. Moreover, people, which are guided by the inscriptions "Exit" and as the result stand next to elevators, must reorient are quickly in the direction of the nearest stairway. Such confusion can lead to disastrous consequences, especially in the case of panic.
The power emergency supply system has happened and people should find a way to the fire escape stairs in the complete darkness. How can they do it? There are many examples when, in such situations, the speed of evacuation was significantly slowed, causing casualties. Scientists have conducted several studies of different evacuation scenarios, the result of which was the working out of emergency marking placement method, helping to find the way to the fire stairs, fire protection means or protective equipment. Assume that people are in the vessel cabin or in the hotel room. In the middle of the night there is a signal to leave the immediate ship or building. As often happens, the situation is also complicated by the fact that the power supply is damaged. In this case, the speed of evacuation can be increased by the following measures:
First of all, people must quickly get dressed and take documents and valuables with them
It is clear that at first the man will try to switch on the light. The luminescent Glow in the dark label can facilitate a search of the switch. Once the switch will be found, the passenger will make several attempts to switch it on before he will realize that the light is not working
To facilitate his search of documents, wallet, watches and valuables, it can be placed on a special illuminated stand, located, for example, on the bedside table.
Experience shows that once a person dresses and takes things off, he tries to leave the cabin (room) quickly without spending the time on study of the evacuation plan, not to mention the fact, that the plan can not be studied in the darkness.
If the door is marked by the glowing banner, then the person will not have any problems with its search and quick exit to the corridor
Evacuation route in the corridor should be also clearly visible. In this case, a man will not have problems with the definition of the direction. We propose to place illuminated Glow in the dark signs with the inscription SOS and arrow, indicating the direction to go. In this case, there will not be confusion caused by the fact that the inscription "Exit" often leads to the elevator. An additional advantage is that he will not spend time reading evacuation plans. From the very beginning, people will be in the right direction.
The long, dark corridor - not the most attractive place. It may provoke a feeling of uncertainty and even of panic, especially if a person is alone.
Illuminated Glow in the dark pictographs SOS should be placed on walls (preferably at a height not higher than eye level). Their location may not be continuous, but with well-thought-out intervals. We have worked out a method of intervals calculation, based on the brightness level of the inscriptions.
Placement of Glow in the dark arrows, alternating with SOS inscriptions on walls not higher than 300 mm from the floor level serves as a dual purpose. First, pictographs, and arrows indicate the right direction of motion, and the second one - light up the floor, making it easier to detect obstacles that may be in the way to the fire escape stairs.
If lighting lamps, equipped with luminous strips are located along the corridor, they can actually serve as the emergency lighting.
The shape and location of emergency door exits may also be a factor of uncertainty, if it does not have clearly visible markings in case of evacuation.
SOS pictograph, located on emergency exit doors, makes this door clearly visible
If luminous Glow in the dark banners fringe the door, and before it there is a glowing rug, it makes the door highly visible from far away. This reduces the orientation time and increases the speed of evacuation.

Even if a person has successfully reached the fire escape stairs, he does not feel safe. Fear and uncertainty can lead to such a fact that he will go in a wrong direction.
It is desirable to have several lamps with a luminous covering.
Glow in the dark route pointers should be located just the same as in the corridor
The application of Glow strips on railings and stairs will prevent the falling of people.
Rarely, it happens that the light emergency and the time of the evacuation happen simultaneously. More often the light is off, long before the alarm signal is heard.
It is very important that the evacuation route is marked by luminous Glow materials that retain a high level of luminescence, even for a few hours. It is necessary that the level of emission was at the rate of 150 mcd / m2 after 10 minutes from the moment of its own glow, and at rate of 20 mcd / m2 - After 60 minutes.

Even if a person has successfully reached the fire escape stairs, he does not feel safe. Fear and uncertainty can lead to such a fact, that he will go in a wrong direction.
It is desirable to have several lamps with a luminous covering.
Glow in the dark route pointers should be located just the same as in the corridor
The application of Glow strips on railings and stairs will prevent the falling of people.
Rarely, it happens that the light emergency and the time of the evacuation happen simultaneously. More often the light is off, long before the alarm signal is heard.
It is very important that the evacuation route is marked by luminous Glow materials that retain a high level of luminescence, even for a few hours. It is necessary that the level of emission was at the rate of 150 mcd / m2 after 10 minutes from the moment of its own glow, and at rate of 20 mcd / m2 - After 60 minutes.
The following types of systems have low or even zero efficiency, when used for marking evacuation routes:
luminous liquid crystal indicators, because:
they require a power supply;
they do not indicate the direction of motion.
pictographs and/or arrows, located above the eye level. During the evacuation people looked more frequently down and can simply not notice the marking. Moreover, if they are forced to look up, they can not see obstacles placed on the floor and fall. In addition, in case of smoke condensation near the ceiling, the located high up pictographs will quickly be out of sight.
flashing banners without arrows or not marked SOS, because:
such luminous banners are not completely functional under the normal illumination;
people will orientate to the inscriptions EXIT, what will lead to errors and increase of time period, required for evacuation.
luminous signs with a little time or low-intensity luminescence;
pictographs, placed among other signs, posters, etc. , because such an arrangement diverts attention from it. Pictographs should be easily distinguishable and clearly visible.
For a long time we worked on the increase of time and intensity of materials luminescence. The result was the creation of material AcmeLight, possessing unique characteristics. Besides, special investigations of the various shape labels visibility were conducted, that has led to the development of certain types and sizes of pictographs, the best met requirements of maximum visibility.

We are constantly working on a creation of new Glow in the dark materials and new types of safety markings for the optimization and marking of evacuation routes. A few examples.

Luminous Glow in the dark traces

Marking of the corridor.

Marking of stairs.

Marking at airplanes

Luminous Glow in the dark handrails and luminous markings of stairs and walls as emergency lighting.

Luminous strips on the floor.

It is desirable that walls of stairwells are white. It will increase the light reflection and increase the brightness of glowing. Application of luminescent Glow in the dark paint stripes on handrails can improve the level of emergency lighting.

Simple steps to optimize evacuation routes. The glowing inscriptions and materials can both provide a significant improvement in evacuation routes marking, and to increase the overall safety rate of the building or engineering structure.

Accidents are always unexpected and often catch us by surprise. That is why over the past ten years, safety standards of buildings and structures are constantly being revised in the direction of tightening.

From many points of view, our Products can: improve the safety level of shopping and entertainment complexes, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, tunnels, etc. significantly. Luminous, clearly visible Glow in the dark markings can play a vital role in case of disaster. Properties of AcmeLight FES allow using it in many spheres. This is worth thinking about

There is a version of the marking in the basement above:
opportunity to find the vital equipment in the complete darkness - a way to save your life and others.
Clear marking of evacuation routes - an indispensable condition of safety.
Placing panels, made of the material AcmeLight next to fluorescent tubes, you will get a bright and reliable emergency lighting.
Location of luminous mat in front of fire exits saves a lot of time in case of the fire and increases your chances of safety.

Creative usage of AcmeLight will give you an opportunity not only to mark a possible evacuation routes, but also increase the overall level of safety.
Luminous Glow in the dark strips, indicating an emergency exit route in warehouses, archives, laboratories, etc.
Clear marking of stairwells by luminous Glow letters, arrows, and bands application.
Arrows on walls and ceiling lights for marking of the evacuation route from the conference hall.
Provision of communication in case of disaster - a question of paramount importance. Telephones can be done so they are easily visible at full darkness with the help of AcmeLight.
The handle of emergency doors exit can be easily found at the darkness, if it is wrapped in a Glow in the dark ribbon. In conjunction with arrows and pictographs such markings allow to achieve a very high level of visibility and easement of usage.

AcmeLight do not need batteries. It will emit the bright light for you on its own day after day.
Glowing dyes.
When the electricity is turned off, we need to use batteries for lighting (not going to mention such anachronism as candles). The main question during the appearance of such emergency power supply system is its size and maintenance in good condition. Let us ask ourselves honestly - who of us holds a lantern by hand in case of the light switching off? And even if it is so, where is the guarantee that at the most needed period of time the battery will be operating.
Much more practical solution is to use materials that can accumulate the energy during its lighting, and then give it a form of visible light. In the last 80 years of the last century, manufacturers of watches have passed from the use of luminous radioisotope materials to copper-zinc sulphate dyes. The advantage of the latest one is that it does not contain radioactive materials. However, as the duration and strength of its luminescence are very limited. It is needed to have necessary materials that illuminate the light during a few hours for marking evacuation routes. Several years ago, we have worked out luminescent Glow in the dark materials that exceed existing ones ten times, both in the intensity and duration of the glow. Of course, these new dyes also do not contain radioactive components.

Dye "charged" by daylight, fluorescent and halogen lamps. The higher the UV component of the light source, the faster the "charge". Depending on the intensity of the light source and the distance to it, the process of "charging" is from 5 to 10 minutes. Under light source power illumination less than 200 lux, the charging time may increase up to half an hour. In this case, the pigment glow is relatively dim, because light source has a relatively little ultraviolet light. Unlike painting pigments based on zinc- sulphate, which can be charged only to a certain level, a new pigment accumulates energy in much larger quantities. The more it is under the light, the stronger and longer it will glow in the dark.
At the darkness, accumulated by the dye AcmeLight energy is emitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 520 nanometers. This corresponds to a bright green light, which is easily distinguishable by man. The level of luminescence is measured in millicandelas per square centimeter (MCD/cm). The human eye sees the glow not less than 0,003 mcd/cm
However, the distance between the observer and the luminous Glow in the dark object must be very small at this level. Either the object itself should be of considerable size. After the nightfall, the luminescence intensity of the dye decreases in proportion to the time. Most of the luminous dyes provide a level of luminescence equal to 0.3 mcd/cm half an hour after nightfall. However, even this level is insufficient to make the luminous object visible from a reasonable distance. It is needed to use luminous dyes, which make possible to see the Object from a distance of a few meters.

This means that the level of glowing must be much higher than the specified 0,3 mcd/cm.
The new pigment is able to provide the initial level of emission in a few thousands mcd/cm. In fact, at the present time, the reached level of glowing is nearly 15% of the white sheet glowing level, equipped by a lamp with a power of 100 watts. However, it is at least 10 times higher than the same index of zinc sulphate-based dyes. Despite the fact that the drop of luminescence rate occurs fairly quickly, the high initial level allows a new dye to remain clearly distinguishable within a few hours more.
Obviously, it is unlikely to achieve the level of dyestuff emission, at least comparable with parameters of conventional lamps in the near future, even with the most recent achievements in this sphere. However, by choosing the appropriate material of substrate, on which the pigment is applied, placement of inscriptions, and some design of banners we can achieve a considerable increase of the markings visibility and it will reach an acceptable level. Thus, the very design of the banner is a very important factor which must also be taken into account.
What should be the luminosity level?
Standards of different countries vary as for its requirements. In general, the level of the light emission of luminous Glow in the dark Objects is expressed as E10/E60 - T, where the E10 - the level of radiation in the mcd / cm in 10 minutes after the nightfall, E60 – in 60 minutes, T - time in minutes, after which the level of emission will drop to a level 0,3 mcd / cm. For example, standards in Germany require a minimum level of 20/2,8-340. We believe that for marking escape routes, this index should be much higher.
Our materials demonstrate that the implementation of such requirement can be truly achieved. Glow in the dark safety systems have the index 209,9 / 29,8-2970 that more than 4 times higher than the required standard. On the basis of the same workout there was manufactured the luminescent cement. Of course, these inventions are protected by correspondent patents.
Basic materials.
It must be remembered that signs are produced for human evacuation in case of fire. Naturally, the agent, covered by the pigment, must have good refractory properties. It is not reasonable to make a pointer and inscriptions on paper or plastic base, which can burn or melt at a temperature of 60-70C. During a fire, temperatures can reach much higher values.
Silicone compounds are able to withstand short-term effects of temperature up to 300 degrees Celsius. Isolating rubber and thermoplastics with a peak load above 100 degrees, and pictographs, made on the basis of aluminium, are the best solution in our mind. Such choice of materials allows us to hope that inscriptions will remain visible during the entire period of time until the evacuation is still possible.
Careful selection of the substrate material, the exact dosage of pigment and a certain grain size, as well as worked out design of the indicator are a guarantee that inscriptions and markings will be clearly visible in dark conditions. To be fair we need to say, that also it is very important, how light sources, that charge the pigment, are located and what they look like.
Despite the fact that standards do not require it, we have conducted a study of pictograph visibility level depending on the time. The task was composed as follows: to choose the size and design of inscriptions, which would provide its clear distinguishing ability at a certain distance within a certain time. We can send this table to you on request.
Distance of distinguishing ability
Clarity and legibility of pointers - one of the most important factors of the evacuation routes marking. In comparison with electrical labels, self-luminous Glow in the dark signs are beginning to fade with the onset of the darkness, which naturally leads to a legibility decrease. Developing inscriptions, made of AcmeLight, we use capital letters and type fonts ANWB, used in the Netherlands for road markings. Calculations were performed for the inscription "EXIT", performed with the size of letters height 4.7 cm. We have taken into consideration as the normal level of view, and 85 percent during calculations. The size of the pictograph - 150 x 150 mm. The pictograph of such size is distinguishable under the ordinary light from a distance of 15 meters. In that case, if the size of letters is higher than 4,7, the visibility can be calculated using the formula d1 = dx h1 / h, where d - distance of the legibility for letters with the height 4,7 cm, h1 - the size of letters, for which the calculation is performed (in cm ), h - 4,7 cm.

The pictograph legibility distance is determined by the pigment luminosity rate, pictograph size, and also by the visual acuity of the observer. Due to the fact that the legibility distance is a factor, determining the place and placement way of the pictograph, we have worked out the formula, allowing determining the legibility distance, depending on the needed luminescence level.
The formula looks like: D1 = D x H1/50, where H1 – the letter front size in mm, D - distance of distinguish ability, indicated in the table. In that case, if the illumination of the banner is 500 lux, (which corresponds to the normal lighting of the workplace)the luminescence of material AcmeLight will be 148 mcd / cm in 10 minutes after the onset of complete darkness and 27 mcd / cm – in 60 minutes. In this case, the placement of Glow in the dark pictographs should be made in such a way that the distance to it from a possible point of observation was no more than 5 meters. I.e., if you have a corridor 20 meters long, then there should be strengthened 4 pointers. In this case, you may consider, that an hour after the refusal of illumination even people with a low vision can read signs and find the emergency exits. In that case, if the illumination of the banner is 100 lux, the maximum distance to the pictograph with such lighting should be no more than 4 meters. Required standard value of emission, equal to 0,3 mcd / cm, frankly, is very low. However, if you want to take it as a basis, then bear in mind that the maximum distance to the banner in this case should not exceed 1 meter.
Clearly, there is a direct correlation between the intensity of banner luminescence and the legibility distance.
In the International Maritime Organization Resolution (IMO), this dependence is taken into account as follows. The band with a width of 75 mm, made of the luminous material must have a luminous intensity not less than 2 mcd / cm in 60 minutes after the nightfall. In the event if the band is narrower, requirements for emission intensity increases.
Further Standard ISO / CD 15370 is defined by the level of bands with a width from 35 mm to 75 mm emission, placed with 5 mm intervals at 60 minutes after the nightfall. In order to emphasize the importance of the legibility distance question depending on the strength of light, we give below a set of photographs of two pictographs, each of which corresponds to the standard DIN 67510. Both pictographs were lit by an ordinary office lamp for one hour and then were placed on a wall in a dark room of the photo studio. Sizes of pictograph letters, made on the basis of zinc sulphate, were equal to the size of the whole pictograph, made of the material AcmeLight. After that, we have made 3 photos by the camera, placed at a distance of 3 meters from the wall - in 1 minute, 10 minutes and 30 minute intervals. The result speaks for itself.

Pictographs, that have a higher letter, are barely distinguishable in 10 minutes after the dark fall, while the smaller pictograph, made on a basis of AcmeLight, was readable from a distance of 3 meters even in an hour.
Banners, made of materials with a low luminescence, should be located closer or have big dimensions, in order to provide the required distance of visibility.
Requirements for the placement of luminous Glow in the dark marking pictographs for evacuation routes on a board of ships are set out in IMO Resolution A.752 (18). Despite the fact that this document does not define the checking methods, it contains requirements for the level of luminescence. In particular, it is determined that pictographs should shine at the rate 15 mcd/cm in 10 minutes after switching off the external lighting and at 2 mcd/cm - in 60 minutes. In addition, section 7.3 specifies that the marking must have the quality, which is enough to meet the abovementioned requirements.
Measurements of light.
The fact is that at the present time there is a relatively small number of international standards, relating to luminous materials. However, classifying communities require the receipt of a type compliance certificate for these materials according to results of the test on the standard DIN67510, part 1. Section 4.2. of this standard is specified the requirements for such testing. It is determined that luminescent materials should be charged by the xenon lamp with an illumination of 1000 lux for 5 minutes. Xenon lamps have an emission spectrum more or less corresponding to the spectrum of daylight and have an average level of the ultraviolet range. Despite the fact that the charging process is relatively short, ultraviolet effects the luminous pigment very intensively, which as a result has a high level of luminescence in the beginning of tests. During the first 30 minutes of testing there is a relatively strong drop in the emission, since a pigment releases a significant amount of the accumulated energy. Only after 30 minutes the decrease of the luminosity intensity level takes place. Standard DIN requires continuous measurements for 120 minutes, and after it, it is calculated the time at which the emission level will drop to a value of 0.3 mcd/cm. Calculations are made by extrapolating methods from data obtained in the period after the first 15 minutes of testing. Values, obtained with this method of calculation, are very relative.
Xenon lamps are used in everyday life relatively rare. In connection with it, standard DIN 67510, Paragraph 1 defines only various material emission levels. The illumination level of the place, where banners are located, should also be taken into account. In this regard, IMO Resolution A.752 (18) determines that the light source should be sufficient to ensure the glow of the banner at the level of 15 mcd / cm in 10 minutes after switching off the external lighting and at the rate of 2 mcd/cm - in 60 minutes. Again, it must be stressed that this resolution does not define the testing method of such light source. In this regard, luminescent Glow in the dark inscriptions are tested after the installation on board of a ship in accordance with DIN 67510, part 2. However, it is very long, and consequently - an expensive procedure. It becomes clear that we need a method which enables us to measure the level of material emission (and to determine its compliance with IMO) by its irradiation with a light source, that is more or less corresponds to that actually used in everyday practice. In the future, this method will be included in the standards ISO. International classification communities have approved the standard project ISO / CD 15370 for such measurements. In particular, section 4.2.2 defines the levels of luminescence similar to the resolution of IMO. Requirements for the light source that are determined in paragraph A.4.1. Annex A. It should be a tubular fluorescent lamp with a temperature level of 2700 K. In this case, the exposure should take place during 24 hours. This method determines conditions that are much more closely aligned with real life.
IMO Resolution A.752 (18).
This document does not determine the need for testing of the fire spread to the substrate, covered with a glowing dye. Also it is not defined in ISO / CD 15370. As a result, the choice of substrate material is practically unlimited. From our point of view, the aluminium substrate, on which symbols and signs are painted by the method of silk screen, is much more preferable than the widely used hard plastic. Aluminium is not toxic, resistant to high temperatures and in case of fire it does not provoke the spread of fire.
Test the fire spreading.
IMO Resolution A.752 (18) requires that luminous Glow in the dark symbols were placed at a height not less than 300 mm above the deck. Therefore, classification communities include materials testing for its incombustibility to their investigation programs. Tests should be conducted in accordance with IMO Resolution A.653 (16). Due to the fact that plastics can also be used to produce Glow in the dark inscriptions and banners, ISO / CD 15370 also requires that tests were conducted for compliance according to IEC 92-101. In connection with the widespread of luminous Glow in the dark inscriptions, attention should also be focused on determining the smoke level and the level of toxic fumes during the combustion. However, neither documents SOLAS nor the IMO documents contain specific requirements in this regard. Paragraph 4.7 IMO resolution A.752 (18) states that "materials used for the production of emergency marking and indication should not contain radioactive or toxic substances." Tests on the level of smoke and toxic substances emission are identified in the resolution IMO MSC.41 (64) and the standard ISO 5659-2. Based on the requirements, contained in these documents, we have chosen aluminium with silk-screen application of pictographs, made of the material AcmeLight. Incombustibility test in accordance with IMO Resolution A.653 (18).
It is needed to use only those materials for marking of evacuation routes, which do not contribute to the spread of fire. Above described tests for this property determining are usually made for floor and ceiling coverings. Due to the fact that the marking of escape routes is usually made on walls, not low from the floor, materials that are used for its production should pass the same tests.
AcmeLight has successfully passed such tests in the Fire Technologies Institute of Ghent University. We can send you correspondent certificates at your request.
Checking of the smoke and toxic combustion products emission, according to the Standard ISO 5659-2.
It is needed to use only those materials for marking of evacuation routes, which do not contribute to the spread of fire. Above described tests for this property determine are usually made for floor and ceiling coverings. Due to the fact that the marking of escape routes is usually made on walls, not low from the floor, materials that are used for its production should pass the same tests.
Luminous paint AcmeLight FES – water emulsion paint, based on polyurethane.
It is very easily applied to most surfaces, encountered in construction. To achieve the effect of maximum luminosity, the underlying surface must be white or light coloured. Instructions for use. Clean and degrease the surface before painting. Remove imperfections and roughness. If the surface is not white, it is better to apply a white primer, which will increase the force of luminescence. When using a brush or roller, add up to 10% (depending on paint volume) of the attached solvent. When using the spray, add from 15 to 30% of the solvent. Mix the paint well and continue to mix it periodically during the work. Since the colouring pigment can settle down, do not prepare a big volume of the paint in advance. Drying time of the paint - about 2 hours. The surface will be ready for repainting - in 4 hours. For best results, it is recommended to put two coatings of the paint. Painting the floor, it is recommended to use the subsequent transparent coating - for example, floor polishes.
Paint is supplied in 0,5 kg tins. This amount is sufficient to cover 3 square meters. Applying the paint, the room must be well-ventilated. Avoid inhaling evaporation, avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep a the place out of children reach. Store in a dry place. After work, clean tools with warm water. Fire Safety Systems AcmeLight FES has passed all necessary examinations and tests. Evacuation Glow in the Dark FES systems meets the requirements of State Standard ISO 6309:2007, GOST R ISO 12.2.143-2002 and ISO "Safety Guidance Systems" (ISO/TC145/SC2/WG3: ISO/CD 16069). All our products are safe and do not contain harmful substances.