To be stylish is easy!
The cult of clothes always existed. Only earlier to be fashionable was meaning to be the same as others. Nowadays, a style is an individual original image. T-shirts are the one of the most popular elements of clothing. T-shirts are worn by everybody and everywhere: the youth does not get out of t-shirts in the literal sense, wherever you go, and the older people also find this part of clothing as a particular comfortable. But! The ordinary T-shirt is already too much boring, even banal, if to talk about really fashionable cloth. The main thing, which attracts people today is pictures on T-shirt, and if it glows at the darkness, then such cloth will be without a rival!

Do you still think about how to earn money?
Not to use people's bigotry to the original T-shirts will be the biggest folly. Strike while the iron is hot. In our case, while we have a crazy demand for T-shirts with glowing pictures, it is necessary to provide these T-shirts to people and in the most wide range. By the way, you do not need to register your own company for this, to rent a beautiful office and to employ the staff (at least, at first stage). It will be enough to contact the company-producer, which sells glow paint for tissues (necessary product for creation of glowing T-shirt) at a real price without any margins. And that's almost everything,what you need to create a successful business! Then simply purchase a batch of plain T-shirts, collect orders from friends and acquaintances and start acting! By the way, let the first luminous paint for clothing will be used for promotional purposes, that is, you can sell finished products for a symbolic price or even give like a gift. Let people to try it, to advise it to their friends, and then the business will grow further, do not hesitate!