Would you like to be one step ahead of your competitors? Do you dream about your own business, about new idea and stable income? Don't you know how to start? It is not a problem. We will help. New idea for profitable business with the minimum expenses – photo-luminous paper! Don't you believe? Then read, please. So, what is photo-luminous paper – the miracle of our time? It is completely unique paper, presented in different formats and dimensions, supporting the expansion from 520 dpi, with the sheet thickness 0,25 mm. Such paper glows at the darkness during 6 hours and by more pleasant green-yellow color.

What about such characteristics? It is characterized first that the photo-luminous paper is a new decision for the creation of the original images at advertisement, printing, art, and second, the crazy popularity of products on a basis of such paper will be provided! Propose printed on the glowing photo-paper (you will have 4 shots 10x15 from one sheet of paper) with a small difference in price, instead of ordinary photos, and you will see, there will be long line of wishing Customers. And does the profit from business depend on a constant Customers number? Make conclusions.

So, one more time. In which directions can the business be developed, applying photo-luminous paper:
Photos printing.
Printing of advertising placards, calendars, visit-cards (1 sheet of photo-luminous paint is 12 visit cards!) and etc.
Production and sale of exclusive glowing plans and evacuation schemes.
Holidays decoration.
Interior design decoration.

And this is a part of what you can do, having the photo-luminous paint. Obviously such idea for business opens simply huge perspectives.